Monday 15 October 2012

yup betul, salah satunya , beruk picit-picit besi dengan tangan dan baling pada moyang saya dari atas pokok kepadanya.
keris macam ni kalau nak diwariskan pon akan diberi pada mereka yang benar-benar layak tidak semesti dari keluarga sendiri  tetapi mesti dari keturunan sendiri dan sebabnya yang saya tahu untuk mengelakkan kemudaratan yang besar pada pemiliknya seperti sakit, papa kedana, maut, banyak masalah atau mungkin seperti mana yang daeng nujilisan kata atas.
boy, bile mau upload gambar profile sendiri?
ayah boy ape nama?dia asal mana? silap hari sedara mara atau saya jer tak kenal anak dia.
Keris Beruk Berayun berasal dari Perak tidak ada kene mengena dengan Selangor atau Sultan Selangor, keris dan pemilik asal keris ini diburu oleh pihak inggeris zaman dahulu sebab ia adalah keris kuasa Sultan sebenar. Ramai sultan sekarang ingin membeli untuk mengukuhkan kedudukan mereka dalam istana.
Kemampuan Keris Beruk Berayun sebenar tidak akan berfungsi dengan baik kecuali diberi kepada mereka yang benar-benar layak sahaja walau dari keturunan yang benar.Ia juga digunakan untuk melantik siapa pemerintah dan pemegang kuasa sebenar,Oleh itu selagi keris ini ada dalam istiadat, maka penipuan perlantikan dapat dipastikan dengan mudah dan sebab itulah ia diburu pihak inggeris.
Keris Beruk Berayun saudara boystar cantik?
Aruah bapa saya adalah anak kepada sultan abdul aziz I..ADA saudara tiri bernama raja muda musa..satu bapa berlainan ibu..sewaktu raja muda musa berumur lbih kurang 12 tahun,dia mengamuk selepas dapat tahu isteri kedua sultan abdul aziz I telah melahirkan anak lelaki,maka raja muda musa mengamuk...lalu anak yang baru dilahirkan itu (bapa saya) disorokkan di masjid kuala kangsar..saya mahu siapa saya sebenarnya...beberapa ustaz yg tidak kenali berkata ada puteri diraja mengikuti saya ke mana sahaja saya pergi..da ramai orang saya berjumpa .mereka berkata saya memang dari keturunan raja perak tp agak susah mereka ingin tlg..kerana takutbetul sesangat apa yang tuan nakhoda katakan tu, dia pun kuat juga pertaliannya tu, tapi berdiam diri jer. Kalau tuan kata ada kaitan dengan raja muda musa, cari ler raja kobat mintak nasihat waris raja musa tu. kalau tak pun cari raja jaafar Pengerusi Kerabat2 Perak dan jadi lah ahli. Disana nnt bleh lah selidik salasilah. Dalam Kerabat tu ada semua keturunan raja perak.

sekadar cerita oarang dahulu

Saya ada diceritakan bahawa satu ketika dahulu seorang Sultan Perak terdahulu pergi ke suatu majlis di selatan Perak. Pabila duduk sahaja di kerusi sultan pun tak sedap duduk. Maka sultan pun bertitah pada orang ramai samada adakah ada diantara yg duduk dibawah yg berdarah raja berdaulat. Maka diberitahu oleh seseorang bahawa ada sorang makcik tua ni yg berdarah raja berdaulat. Kemudiannya dipanggil makcik ni duduk sama2 dgn sultan barulah sultan tidak lagi rasa tak sedap badan.

rasanya citer ni terjadi pada masa almahrum sultan Idris Shah atau sultan sebelum dia,  makcik tua yang dimaksudkan tu ada darah keturunan raja pawang, dan kubur makcik tu manjadi kubur keramat di salah satu daerah di gopeng. ni kalau x salah saya mungkin ada versi lain, bolih tuan beddezeuk
Sultan Idris Murshidul Azzam Shah. This photo was taken in 1911 at the famous Lafayette Studio in London, and is currently held at the V&A Lafayette Collection.
Sultan Idris Murshidul Azzam Shah was born Raja Idris ibni Almarhum Raja Bendahara Alang Iskandar at Kampung Kuala Keboi in Kampar, Perak on 19 June 1849, the third son of Raja Bendahara Alang Iskandar ibni Almarhum Yang di Pertuan Muda Sultan Ahmad Shah Johan by his second wife, Che’ Ken Uda Sari binti Panglima Dalam Abdul Rahman. His siblings were Raja Hasan, Raja Kulop Muhammad (father of Raja Perempuan Kelsom, consort of Sultan Iskandar Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Idris), Raja Lope Ahmad and Raja Putih Mas Kechil.
As a young man, Raja Idris had already shown a keen interest in education, especially that of Islam, a characteristic he exhibited throughout his life. Among his religious teachers were Sheikh Mohd Tahir Jalaluddin[1] and Syed Abdullah bin Abu Bakar Al-Attas (kadhi of Perak). Raja Idris later learnt English from a few of British administrative officers, which included M.E. Holmes, the District Magistrate and Collector of Land Revenue.
In 1876, Raja Idris was appointed as a judge on the examination of those who were charged with complicity in the assassination of J.W.W. Birch (the first British Resident of Perak). The assassination of Birch culminated in the Perak War (1875-1876) between the British forces and the Perak Malays. During the trial, his fellow assessors were J.G Davidson and Frank Swettenham. Raja Idris was later appointed Chief Judge of Perak, and between 1883 to 1897, he was invited by the Straits Settlement Government to assist in the settlement of a dispute over the definition of the boundary between Perak and Kedah, and Melaka and Rembau. Later as Sultan, he revised the primeval code of Perak Court customs and procedures, and the traditional and royal titles, with the approval of the State Council. This includes the creation of the office Orang Kaya-Kaya Setia Bijaya Di-Raja in place of the then defunct Orang Kaya Kaya Seri Agar Di-Raja Putra (following the conviction of Dato’ Maharaja Lela). Jeragan Abdul Shukor bin Mohamad Ali was the first holder of this title.
Installation of Raja Idris as Raja Muda of Perak at Kuala Kangsar in 1886. (Source: Arkib Negara Malaysia)
When Sultan Yusuf Sharifuddin Muzaffar Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Abdullah Muhammad Shah I was finally installed as the 27th Sultan of Perak[2], Perak was declared a British protectorate on 11 May 1887. Raja Idris was then installed Raja Muda by the Perak State Council[3], apparently with strong support from Hugh Low, the then British Resident of Perak. However, about two months after the installation, Sultan Yusuf mangkat on 26 July 1887 and Raja Muda Idris was proclaimed the 28th Sultan of Perak at the age of 38. Sultan Idris was formally installed with the title Sultan Idris Murshidul Azzam Shah on 5 April 1889.
Sultan Idris of Perak (seated) with his son Raja Abdul Jalil (later Sultan) (right) and his nephew Raja Ngah Mansur. (Source: Arkib Negara Malaysia)
Previously, all the previous Sultans of Perak resided on the right bank of the Sungai Perak, as per agreement made by the 1st Sultan of Perak, Sultan Muzaffar Shah, with Tok Temong. However, Sultan Idris chose to reside to the left bank on Bukit Chandan. A palace called Istana Idris (later renamed as Istana Negara) was erected on Bukit Chandan in 1895. It was then demolished, giving way to the construction of Istana Iskandariah in the early 1930s. Besides Istana Negara, there were other istanas built, like Istana Chinta Berahi for the Raja Perempuan Nuteh Aishah binti Almarhum Sultan Yusuf Sharifuddin and Istana Kasar Ma’amor for Tengku Permaisuri Uteh Mariah binti Haji Sulaiman.
It was during the time of Sultan Idris that Perak became part of the Federated Malay States. Perak then saw a vast economic growth from its export of tin and rubber. The first rubber tree in Malaya was planted in Kuala Kangsar by the botanist Henry Ridley.
Sultan Idris was regarded as one of the most influential sultans in Malaya at the time,  as seen from the inaugural Durbar in 1897  held at the Istana Negara in Kuala Kangsar. Sultan Idris’ thinking was ahead of his time and he strove to meet the needs of his rapidly changing state and her rakyat. One of his principal concerns was education, of both Western or religious styles, and he was instrumental in the establishment of both the Malay College (Bab-ul Darjat was a lesser known name of the College) and Madrasah Idrisiah in Kuala Kangsar. Even after his passing, his vast contributions towards education of his rakyat was recognised and the Sultan Idris Training College in Tanjong Malim was named after him.
Sultan Idris in the robe of a Knight Grand Cross.
Sultan Idris was also a staunch advocate of increased Malay participation in the ranks of the state administration. To walk the talk as it were, one of his sons, Raja Alang Iskandar (later Sultan) joined the F.M.S. Police Force.
In recognition of his role in the modernisation of Perak and and his vast contributions to the welfare of his rakyat, Sultan Idris received a number British honours – the CMG in 1884 and KCMG in 1898 from Queen Victoria, GCMG in 1901 from Edward VII and GCVO in 1913 from George V.
During his lifetime, Sultan Idris had visited England four times:
1. 1884 – with Hugh Low and Raja Ngah Mansur ibni Sultan Abdullah Muhammad Shah II, to request for the return of the Perak Royal Regalia which were kept in England since 1876 during the Perak War.
Sultan Idris with Sir Hugh Cliffordand Raja Chulan (Raja di-Hilir) in London during the Coronation of King Edward VII, 1902. (Source: Arkib Negara Malaysia)
2. 1888 – by invitation of Queen Victoria for her Golden Jubilee, after his proclamation as Sultan of Perak. He was again accompanied by Hugh Low and Raja Ngah Mansur ibni Sultan Abdullah.
3. 1902 – for the coronation of Edward VII but the trip was postponed. During the trip, his son, Raja Alang Iskandar (then aged 21) followed him back to Perak after seven years in England, five of which were at Balliol College in Oxford.
4. 1911 – for the coronation of George V, and he was accompanied by Tengku Permaisuri Uteh Mariah, Raja Harun Al Rashid, Raja Abdul Rashid, Raja Chulan, Raja Puteh Kalsom Sultan Idris (wife of Raja Chulan) and Enche’ Yeop Nordin, Toh Muda Orang Kaya Setia Di-Raja. It was during this trip that Sultan Idris bought the Aigrette which was later added to the Perak State Regalia.
Upon returning to Perak in 1911, Sultan Idris health was under par and he rested at Port Dickson. Whilst recovering, he made a nazar, should he be restored a good health, he would build a mosque in Bukit Chandan. His vow later materialised with the erection of Majid Ubudiah but he did not live to see it completed.
Sultan Idris mangkat on 14 January 1916 at the age of 67. He was interred at the Royal Mausoleum, Kuala Kangsar with the title of Marhum Rahmatullah.
In the course of his life, Sultan Idris married seven times:
1. DYMM Raja Perempuan Nuteh Aishah binti Sultan Yusuf Sharifuddin Mudzaffar Shah. She died at Istana Kasar Ma’amor, Kuala Kangsar on 6 October 1920.
Sultan Idris with Tengku Permaisuri Uteh Mariah
2. Tengku Permaisuri Che Uteh Mariah binti Haji Sulaiman (Orang Kaya-Kaya Shahbandar Paduka Indira). She died at Istana Cinta Berahi, Kuala Kangsar on 26 February 1924.
3. Toh Puan Besar Che Ngah Manah binti Manda Duwayat. She died 4 February 1922.
4. Che Alang Sawiya binti Che Kulup Abdul Samad. She died 16 November 1957.
5. Che Long Polam
6. YM Sharifah Alawiyah
7. YM Sharifah Maheran
The present Perak Sultanate is derived from his lineage. In addition, the Sultan Idris I lineage has links with other royal households in other States, namely Selangor and Pahang. Click here for the family tree of Sultan Idris I.

kata raja petra kepada bumi perak

Layakkah Kerabat Diraja Perak Dihormati?


Raja Petra ada menulis artikel mengenai kenapa Sultan Perak sanggup memperkenankan kerajaan haram BN di Perak walaupun tindakannya melanggar undang-undang tubuh kerajaan negeri dan sebab-sebab kerajaan PR di Perak tumbang. Artikelnya boleh dilihat di sini. Terjemahan ke dalam Bahasa Melayu di sini.

Kalaulah benar, adakah patut kita memberi hormat kepada puak-puak yang tamakkan harta ini walaupun sudah kaya? Adakah kerana mereka ini mempunyai takhta, raja Melayu, maka kita membenarkan mereka bersekongkol dengan pemerintah dan seterusnya membolot harta rakyat? Adakah ketaatan kepada Raja-Raja Melayu itu suruhan daripada Allah dan Rasul, sampaikan orang Melayu tak berani berkata apa-apa terhadap golongan ini. Sepatutnya mereka tidak mencampuri urusan politik. Saya berani katakan, semenjak kejatuhan kerajaan Pakatan di Perak pada Februari lalu, rasa hormat saya kepada sultan alah tu hilang. Begitu juga kurangnya rasa hormat saya dengan kerabat-kerabat diraja yang lain. Pada saya mereka wujud tidak membawa apa-apa kebaikan kepada rakyat Malaysia. Sebaliknya, wang yang sepatutnya dinikmati oleh rakyat dihabiskan untuk membayar elaun-elaun mereka. Mereka semua sudah kaya raya, ada syarikat, ada perniagaan, tapi masih kepingin duit dan harta rakyat.

Raja Petra juga ada menceritakan bagaimana Sultan Selangor dan Sultan Perak sengaja melambat-lambatkan perlantikan Menteri Besar kerajaan gabungan parti pembangkang selepas PRU-12. Ini bertujuan untuk memberi sedikit masa kepada PAS untuk berunding dengan UMNO membentuk kerajaan, dan juga mencuri sedikit masa untuk UMNO menghapuskan bukti penyelewengan mereka di pejabat pentadbiran negeri. Tidak hairanlah kerana sultan tersebut Melayu, kononnya bila kerajaan PR terbentuk, tergadailah hak-hak Melayu, dan kononnya juga kerajaan yang pemimpinnya majoriti Melayu wajib dibentuk untuk menyelamatkan orang Melayu, poorah! Tengoklah Perak sekarang. Kerajaan Melayu apa, Menteri Besarnya itu mamak keling yang diimport dari Malabar. Semalam baru dikhabarkan bahawa kerajaan haram BN Perak menganugerahkan tanah kepada orang India. Mana dia Melayu-melayu yang kuat menyalak selama ini? Ooo bila Nizar bagi tanah kepada orang Cina yang miskin kamu bising, sekarang mana perginya semangat Melayu kamu semua? Hipokrit!

Tengoklah apa yang ditawarkan oleh Najib kepada Sultan Perak. Harta-harta yang tak ternilai harganya, yang sepatutnya dimiliki oleh rakyat yang susah, tapi dibaham oleh seekor anaconda. Walaupun sudah kaya tapi sudah menjadi dasar manusia bajingan, harta yang dimiliki sekarang sentiasa rasa tidak mencukupi. Patutkah mereka ini kita hormati? Itu tak termasuk dengan perangai sebilangan kerabat diraja yang lebih sudu dari kuah. Nanti bila isu ini digembar-gemburkan, nanti adalah pemimpin dan penyokong UMNO (laknatullahi alaihim ajmain) kata menderhaka. UMNO hanya berani berselindung di belakang istana. Menang cara pondan.

Nota :

Sultan Selangor dan Sultan Perak mempunyai pertalian darah. Patutlah perangai dekat-dekat nak serupa. Sehingga sekarang Sultan Perak tak pernah melayan sebarang permintaan dari Ir. Nizar, sama ada untuk bubarkan DUN, menghalang notis persidangan DUN daripada speaker haram Ganesan, dan lain-lain. Raja Petra mendakwa selama pemerintahan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Perak, Sultan Perak membuat bermacam-macam permintaan sehingga ada yang tidak boleh Ir. Nizar tunaikan. Ini membuatkan Sultan Perak murka dan apabila Najib memberitahu bahawa PR sudah tidak punya majoriti, serta merta baginda memperkenankan membentuk kerajaan BN Perak. Dan dikhabarkan Najib ada juga ugut Sultan Perak dengan mengatakan Raja Nazrin tak akan menjadi pengganti Sultan Perak. Syabas Raja Petra. Pahlawan alam cyber.

p/s : Adakah suatu hari nanti rakyat Malaysia akan menjadi seberani rakyat Iran yang berjuang menghapuskan sistem monarki sebelum Revolusi? Mungkin tidak!


Anonymous said...
Jangan melihat sesuatu perkara dari satu hala...gunakan akal yang ada!
ah kim putra said...
‎''Nazrin, anak kepada Sultan Azlan Shah, tidak sepatutnya menjadi Raja Muda.''
terjumpa kat satu blog..ternyata penulis ni buta tentang Sistem Giliran Kesultanan Perak.
*dei, Raja Dr.Nazrin memg betul ikut turn la..mmg la kalu ikut logik sist.giliran tu,jawatan Raja Muda bkn pada baginda,tpi pada waris2 yg lebih awal(selalunya oleh putera2 sultan2 yg mendahului Sultan masa kini)..masalahnya waris2 yg sepatutnya memegang jawatan as Raja Muda Perak telah mangkat yg membolehkan Raja Nazrin memegang jawatan tu dlm zaman pemerintahan Sultan Azlan.

raja sir chulan

continued from the previous page.
Copyright©Christopher Buyers
Colonel H.H. Maulana Paduka Sri Sultan Sir Idris Murshid al-Azzam Shah Rahmatu'llah ibni al-Marhum Raja Bendahara Alang Iskandar, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Perak, GCMG, GCVO, had further issue:
  • 4) Y.A.M. Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sir Idris Murshid al-Azzam Shah Rahmatu’llah, Raja Kechil Sulong. b. 1882 (s/o Cik Haji Ngah Uteh Mariah). ADC to the Sultan 1902, Sec to Sultans Idris and ‘Abdu’l Jalil, MSC. Granted the title of Raja Kechil Sulong 1918. Sec Turkish Relief Fund 1913. Mbr Iskandar Polo Club 1920-1945. Rcvd: Coron (1911 & 1937), and Silver Jubilee (1935), medals, and KC of the Order of the Crown of Siam (1924). m. (first) 1905, Cik Rahma binti Ngah Ahmad [Cik Mah] (d. at Bait ul-Rahma, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, 1926, bur. there at the Al-Ghufran Royal Cemetery). m. (second) Y.A.M. Raja Hajjah Zubaidah binti al-Marhum Sultan ‘Abdu’llah Muhammad Shah Habibu’llah, daughter of H.H. al-’Ashik Billah Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan ‘Abdu’llah Muhammad Shah II Habibu’llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ja’afar Safi ud-din Mu’azzam Shah, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Perak Dar ul-Ridzwan. m. (third) Cik Sareah binti Dato’ Ahmad [Cik Ah] (d. at Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, 1926, bur. there at the Al-Ghufran Royal Cemetery). m. (fourth) Y.M. Raja Hajjah Mahtra binti Raja Sir Chulan, daughter of Y.A.M. Raja Sir Chulan ibni al-Marhum Sultan ‘Abdu’llah Muhammad Shah Habibu’llah, Raja di-Hiler, KBE, CMG. m. (fifth) Che’ Zaidah binti Haji Mat Saman, widow of his elder brother, Y.A.M. Raja ‘Abdu’l Hamid ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sir Idris Murshid al-Azzam Shah Rahmatu’llah, Raja Bendahara. m. (sixth) Cik Zaharat ul-Ain (d. at Kuala Kangsar, 1944), née Mae Chaloi, daughter of a prominent Thai hotel owner and military officer from Bangkok. m. (seventh) Cik Teh. m. (eighth) Cik Shahrome. m. (ninth) Y.M. Tengku Rodiah. m. (tenth) Y.M. Sharifa Asiah bint Sayyid Hassan (b. ca. 1910). m. (a) Cik Bee. m. (b) Cik Zirah. He d. at Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, 10th May 1945 (bur. there at the Al-Ghufran Royal Cemetery), having had issue, twenty-six sons and twenty-three daughters:
    • a) Y.M. Raja Amzah ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid (s/o Cik Ah). Copyright©Christopher Buyers
    • b) Y.M. Raja Amran Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid (s/o Cik Mah). He had issue, three sons and two daughters:
      • i) Y.M. Raja Danial Akhsan bin Raja Amran. m. Y.M. Tengku Nariman binti Tengku Muhammad Yusuf Shah, eldest daughter of Y.A.M. Tengku Muhammad Yusuf Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan ‘Ala ud-din Sulaiman Shah, Tengku Arif Temenggong, of Selangor, by his wife, Y.M. Raja Saidat ul-Azzama binti al-Marhum Raja Lope Nur Rashid, daughter of Brigadier Y.A.M. Datuk Sri Raja Lope Nur Rashid bin Raja ‘Abdu’l Rahman, Raja Kechil Besar, MBE, of Perak. He had issue, four children, including:
        • (1) Y.M. Raja Kamar ul-Hafiz Shah bin Raja Danial Akhsan, educ. Multimedia Univ Malaysia.
      • ii) Y.M. Raja Badr ul-Kamil bin Raja Amran [Badrol Kamil]. b. 1955. m. Wan Farida Hanim binti Wan ‘Umar (b. 1956; m. second, Inche’ Shahar ud-din, by whom she had further issue), daughter of Y.A. Bhg. Dato’ Sri Wan ‘Umar bin Dato’ Sri Wan Hamir ud-din, Orang Kaya Temenggong Paduka Raja, of Perak, by his wife, Y.A. Bhg. Datin Ruqaiya binti Muhammad Hashim, Toh Puan Temenggong Paduka Raja, daughter of Y. Bhg. Muhammad Hashim bin Jeragan ‘Abdu’l Shukor, Orang Kaya-Kaya Setia Bijaya di-Raja, of Perak. He d. 1996, having had issue, an only son:
        • (1) Y.M. Raja Iman Shah bin Raja Badr ul-Kamil.
      • iii) Y.M. Raja ‘Ali bin Raja Amran. He had issue:
        • (1) ?Y.M. Raja Zairil Ensa Ayong.
      • i) Y.M. Raja Nor us-Hanim binti Raja Amran Shah. b. 1949. m. at Kuala Kangsar, 8th July 1967, Y.M. Raja Zamil bin Raja Lope Nur Rashid. (b. 1936), only son of Brigadier Y.A.M. Datuk Sri Raja Lope Nur Rashid bin Raja ‘Abdu’l Rahman, Raja Kechil Besar, MBE, sometime Grand Chamberlain to the King of Malaysia, by his wife, Y.M. Tengku Nor Zahan. She had issue – see above.
      • ii) Y.M. Datin Paduka Raja Hajjah Marthiah binti Raja Amran. Dang Perwara (Lady-in-Waiting) to the Tengku Ampuan Selangor and Dang Sri Puri (Keeper of the Royal Household). Rcvd: DSIS (11.12.2008), SMS, KSD, PJK.
    • c) Y.M. Raja Zamzah Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid (s/o Cik Mah). Copyright©Christopher Buyers
    • d) Y.M. Raja Hazshazah Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid (s/o Cik Mah).
    • e) Y.M. Raja Adat ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid (s/o Cik Mah).
    • f) Y.M. Raja Dato’ Sri Arif Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid. b. at Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, 1st September 1906 (s/o Cik Mah), educ. Malay Coll, Kuala Kangsar. Settlement Officer and Sec Kuala Pari Settlement, Asst Collector of Land Revenue for Lower Perak 1952, Circuit Magistrate Kuala Kangsar, Sungei Siput Lenggong and Gerik. Chair UMNO Ipoh, Chair British Red Cross Soc Perak, Presdt Ipoh Rotary Club 1952-1953, etc. Rcvd: PJK, JP. m. (first) at the Istana Agong Kota Ma’amun, Medan, 3rd June 1928 (div.), Y.A.M. Tengku Izah binti al-Marhum Sultan ‘Amal ud-din al-Sani Perkasa Alam Shah [?m. (second?) Y.M. Tengku Muhammad Hidayat bin Tengku Muhammad Salih, Tengku Kejuruan Paduka Raja, son of Tengku Muhammad Salih bin Muda Sri di-Raja Tengku Muhammad Daud [Sutan Mat Shah], of Perchut], daughter of of H.H. Sri Paduka Tuanku Sultan ‘Amal ud-din II Perkasa Alam Shah, Sultan of Deli, by his second wife, Inche’ Mariam, Inche’ Negara. m. (second) Cik Puan Aziza binti ‘Abdu’llah (b. 1906; d. 2nd April 1993). m. (third) Y.A.M. Tengku Hajjah Safiah binti al-Marhum Sultan Ala’ ud-din Sulaiman Shah (b. at Kuala Kangsar, 16th July 1923), fifteenth daughter of Colonel H.H. Sultan Ala’ ud-din Sulaiman Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Muda Musa, Sultan of Selangor, GCMG, KCVO. He d. 25th January 1975, having had issue, six children by his second and two sons and two daughters by his third wife:
      • i) Y.M. Raja Azhan bin Raja Dato’ Sri Arif Shah. b. 192x (s/o Cik Puan Aziza). m. 1949, Y.A.M. Tengku Petri binti al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim (b. 1928), former wife of Y.A.M. Tengku ‘Abdu’l Rashid ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sulaiman Badr ul-’Alam Shah, Tengku Temenggong, of Trengganu, and daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ibrahim ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad IV, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Kelantan Dar ul-Naim, KCMG, by his second wife, Y.A.M. Tengku Yah binti Tengku Long Sulaiman, Tengku Maharani Petri, daughter of Y.B.M. Tengku Long Sulaiman ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad [Tuan Man], Tengku Sri Pekerma Raja. He had issue, a daughter:
        • (1) Y.M. Tengku Nazian binti Raja Azhan. b. 1951 (d/o Petri). Copyright©Christopher Buyers
      • ii) Y.M. Raja ‘Abdu’l Aziz bin Raja Dato’ Sri Arif Shah. b. 1933 (s/o Cik Puan Aziza). m. Y.M. Tengku Amina binti Tengku Ismail Pekerma (b. 1942), younest daughter of Y.M. Tengku Ismail Pekerma bin Tengku Long Sulaiman, of Kelantan, by his wife, Y.M. Tengku Ngah binti Tengku Chik, daughter of Y.M. Tengku Chik, Tengku Kaya Pahlawan. He has issue, one son and one daughter:
        • (1) Y.M. Raja Amir Shah bin Raja ‘Abdu’l Aziz, educ. Malay Coll, Kuala Kangsar, and the City Univ, Bellevue, Washington, USA (MBA). CEO AmTrustee Bhd since 2006. m. Cik Puan Rosmah binti Ramlan. He has issue, twin sons sons and two daughters:
          • (a) Y.M. Raja ‘Abdu’l Rashid bin Raja Amir Shah. b. 10th October 1994.
          • (b) Y.M. Raja Arif Shah bin Raja Amir Shah. b. 10th October 1994, educ. Malay Coll, Kuala Kangsar.
          • (a) Y.M. Raja Nur Aida binti Raja Amir Shah.
          • (b) Y.M. Raja Nur Aisha binti Raja Amir Shah.
        • (1) Y.M. Raja Azmiah binti Raja ‘Abdu’l Aziz. b. 1965. m. Encik Muhammad bin Iskandar Majidi (b. 1962). She had issue, one son and one daughter.
      • iii) Y.M. Raja Salleh ud-din bin Raja Dato’ Sri Arif Shah [Ku Azam]. b. 1944 (s/o Sofia). m. Y.M. Tengku Sa’adiah binti Tengku Mat Jewa, daughter of Y.M. Tengku Muhammad Jiwa bin Tuan Man [Mat Jewa], of Reman. She has issue, two daughters:
        • (1) Y.M. Raja Intan Sakina binti Raja Salleh ud-din.
        • (2) Y.M. Raja Zarina binti Raja Salleh ud-din [Rena], educ. Univ Teknologi MARA (MA 1999). Sec Malaysian Coral Reef Conservation Soc (CoRal).
      • i) H.R.H. Raja Muzwin binti Raja Dato’ Sri Arif Shah, Raja Perempuan. b. 1st March 1929 (d/o Cik Puan Aziza). Crowned as Raja Perempuan of Perak, at Kuala Kangsar, 27th October 1963. m. at Kuala Kangsar, as his third wife, Colonel H.R.H. Maulana Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Idris al-Mutawakil Allahahi Shah II Afifu’llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Iskandar Shah Kadasu’llah, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Perak ur-Ridzwan, CMG (b. at Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, 12th August 1924; d. at Lumut, 31st January 1984, bur. Bukit Chandan), eldest son of Colonel H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Sir Iskandar Shah al-Kaddasu’llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sir Idris Murshid al-Azzam Shah Rahmatu’llah, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Perak, GCMG, KCVO, by his third wife, H.H. Raja Puteh Umi Kalsum binti Raja Kulop Muhammad Kramat, Raja Perempuan, daughter of Y.M. Raja Kulop Muhammad Kramat bin Raja Alang Iskandar, of Kuala Dipang. She had issue, two sons and three daughters – see below. Copyright©Christopher Buyers
      • ii) Y.M. Raja Bismayazan binti Raja Dato’ Sri Arif Shah [Manja]. m. Y.M. Raja Dato’ Sri Setia Zulkifli [Ahmad Shakir] bin Raja Tun Uda (b. at Kuala Kangsar, 1st July 1942), son of H.E. Raja Tun Sir Uda bin Muhammad, KBE, CMG, sometime Governor of Penang, by his third wife, Y.A.M. Tengku Puan Nur Sa’ada binti al-Marhum Sultan ‘Ala ud-din Sulaiman Shah, daughter of Colonel H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Sir ‘Ala ud-din Sulaiman Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Muda Musa, Sultan of Selangor, GCMG, KCVO. She had issue, two sons and one daughter - see Malaysia (Selangor).
      • iii) Y.M. Raja Ain ul-Bismi binti Raja Dato’ Sri Arif Shah (s/o Sofia). m. Y.B. Datuk Sri Dr Syed Yusoff bin Datuk Syed Osman Idid, Dato’ Johan Bakti (cre. 16th July 2008), educ. Sultan Abdul Hamid Coll, Kuala Kangsar, Medical Officer I Order of St John Ambulance Bde (Kedah Branch), rcvd: DSDK (16.4.2005), AMK. She has issue, two sons and one daughter.
    • g) Y.M. Raja Hizam ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid, educ. Malay Coll, Kuala Kangsar. Joined FMS Police Force, Sub-Inspector Trengganu 1929-1930. He was k. by a Chinese servant who had run amok, at Kuala Trengganu, 3rd September 1930.
    • h) Captain Y.M. Raja Aman Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid. b. 1902 (s/o Cik Sareah), educ. Malay Coll, Kuala Kangsar. Joined Malay Civil Service as Probationer 1919, Malay Officer 1921, Cmsnd as 2nd-Lieut 1st (Perak) Btn FMSVI 2/8/1929, prom Hon Lieut 2/8/1931, Hon ADC to the High Cmsnr 1931-1933, Magistrate Teluk Anson 1930-1933, actg 2nd ADO Ulu Selangor 1933-1934, ADO Kuala Langkat 1934-1936, and Jelebu 1936-1938, prom Officer Class V 1936, DO Port Dickson 1938-1940, Capt 3rd (Negri Sembilan) Btn MSVF 1941, served in WW2 1941-1942. Rcvd: 39/45 and Pacific stars, Defence and War medals (posthumous). m. H.H. Tunku Baharom binti al-Marhum Sultan ‘Abdu’l Hamid Halimshah [Tunku Omm], MBE (c 9.6.1955) (b. at Alor Star, 9th April 1904; d. at Lorong Kelompang, Alor Star, 9th October 2002), daughter of H.H. Sultan Sir ‘Abdu’l Hamid Halim Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad Taj ud-din Mukarram Shah, Sultan of Kedah, KCMG, by his sixth wife, Cik Marija Lara. He was shot by the Japanese at Singapore after the surrender, at Geylang, 28th February 1942, having had issue, three sons and three daughters:
      • i) Y.M. Raja Yusuf bin Raja Aman Shah. Copyright©Christopher Buyers
      • ii) Y.M. Raja Ahmad Nazrin Shah bin Raja Aman Shah. Architect, MD Raja Nazrin Architects Sdn Bhd. He has issue, three sons and a daughter:
        • (1) Y.M. Raja Aman Shah bin Raja Ahmad Nazrin Shah.
        • (2) Y.M. Raja Daniel Hizan Shah bin Raja Ahmad Nazrin Shah.
        • (3) Y.M. Raja ‘Umar Faisal Shah bin Raja Ahmad Nazrin Shah.
        • (1) Y.M. Raja Deborah Darina binti Raja Ahmad Ahmad Nazrin Shah.
      • iii) Major Y.M. Raja Ahmad Faisal Shah bin Raja Aman Shah. b. at Kuala Kubu Bharu, 16th July 1934. Cmsnd as 2nd-Lieut Malaysian Army 1957, attached Communications Dvsn, later employed with Selangor Turf Club (SLTC). m. 13th April 1961, Y.M. Tengku Dzorifah Nawal binti Tengku Mukhtar (b. at Medan, Sumatra, 13th July 1939), daughter of Y.M. Tengku Mokhtar bin Tengku Ismail al-Haj, sometime State Sec of Deli, by his second wife, Y.M. Sharifa Latifa binti Sayyid ‘Abdu’llah Shahabudin. He had issue, two sons:
        • (1) Y.M. Raja Rizal Shah bin Raja Ahmad Faisal. m. Che’ Puan Mazait ul-Azima binti Mahdi, daughter of Mahdi, by his wife, Che’ Puan Afifah. He had issue, one son and one daughter:
          • (a) Y.M. Raja Arif Shah bin Raja Rizal Shah. b. 8th February 1996.
          • (a) Y.M. Raja Intan Arifa binti Raja Rizal Shah. b. before August 1994.
        • (2) Y.M Raja Razman Shah bin Raja Ahmad Faisal [Rezman]. b. 15th August 1965. Operations Consultant for McDonald’s Malaysia. m. Che’ Puan Sarena binti Radin Hasan, daughter of Radin Hasan, by his wife, Ibu Hajjah Sitah. He had issue, four daughters:
          • (a) Y.M. Raja Nur Dahlea binti Raja Razman Shah. Copyright©Christopher Buyers
          • (b) Y.M. Raja Nur Dzofera binti Raja Razman Shah. b. 10th November ...
          • (c) Y.M. Raja Nur Deanna binti Raja Razman Shah. b. 13th January ...
          • (d) Y.M. Raja Nur Damia binti Raja Razman Shah. b. 19th January 2010.
      • Raja Ahmad Faisal Shah, has also adopted a further son:
        • (3) Encik Muhammad Tahli bin ‘Abdu’llah [Tah Li].
      • i) Y.M. Raja Zaliha binti Raja Aman Shah.
      • ii) Y.M. Raja Khadija binti Raja Aman Shah. m. Sayyid Muhammad Al-Dinuri bin Sayyid ‘Umar Shahab ud-din, son of Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Sayyid ‘Umar bin Sayyid ‘Abdu’llah Shahab ud-din, Dato’ Sri Mahavamsa, sometime Chief Minister of Kedah, by his wife, H.H. Tunku Amina binti al-Marhum Sultan ‘Abdu’l Hamid Halim Shah, daughter of Colonel H.H. Sultan ‘Abdu’l Hamid Halim Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad Taj ud-din al-Mukarram Shah, Sultan of the State of Kedah Dar ul-Aman, KCMG.
      • iii) Y.M. Raja Marian binti Raja Aman Shah [Tunku Marian binti Tunku Aman Shah]. m. General H.H. Tunku ‘Usman Khalil Shah bin Tunku Muhammad Jewa, MBE (b. at Alor Star, 24th November 1923; d. 18th April 1994), son of H.H. Tunku Muhammad Jewa ibni al-Marhum Sultan ‘Abdu’l Hamid Halim Shah, Tunku Paduka Maharaja Temenggong Angota Desa, by his wife, Y.M. Tunku Sa’ada binti Tunku Osman Al-Haj. She had issue, four sons and one daughter – see Malaysia (Kedah).
    • i) Captain Y.M. Raja Haji Shahar Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid. b. at Bait ul-Aman, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, 1904 (s/o Cik Sareah), educ. Malay Coll, Kuala Kangsar. Joined MAS 1917, transf to MCS 1924, Second ADO Tepah 1933, Hon Extra ADC to the High Cmsnr 1933-1934 and 1935-1939, Acting DO Kroh 1934-1935, Officiating ADO Tepah 1936-1937, Tangore Malin 1937-1939, and Pekan 1939-1941, DO Gerik 1943-1945, ADO Larut 1948-1949, actg Keeper of the Rulers’ Seal 1949, Private Sec to the Sultan of Pahang 1950-1955. Chair Syarikat Kenderaan Seri Jaya Bhd. Mbr Iskandar Polo Club. m. (first) Hajjah Yang Sharifa. m. (second) 29th November 1959, ... He had issue, five sons and eight daughters: Copyright©Christopher Buyers
      • i) Y.M. Datuk Raja ‘Abdu’l Jalil Shah bin Raja Haji Shahar Shah. Confidential Clerk 1957. m. Y.A.M. Tengku Putri Hajjah Ain ul-Jamal binti al-Marhum Sultan Sir Abu Bakar Riayat ud-din al-Muazzam Shah, Tengku Sri Nila Utama (b. 3rd June 1927), rcvd: DK II (24.10.2008), SIMP, former wife of Y.A.M. Tengku Ali Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sulaiman Badr ul-Alam Shah, sometime Sultan of Trengganu, and eldest daughter of Colonel H.R.H. Paduka Sri Baginda Sultan Sir Abu Bakar Riayat ud-din al-Muazzam Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sir Abdullah al-Muhtasim Billah Shah, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Pahang Dar ul-Mukmar, GCMG, by his wife, H.R.H. Raja Hajjah Fatima binti al-Marhum Sultan Sir Iskandar Shah al-Kaddasullah, Tengku Ampuan Besar, eldest daughter of Colonel H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Sir Alang IskandarShah II al-Kaddasullah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sir Idris Murshid al-Azzam Rahmatullah Shah, Sultan of Perak, GCMG, KCVO. He had issue, three sons and one daughter:
        • (1) Y.M. Datuk Raja Shahar ud-din Shah bin Raja Jalil Shah. Gen Mngr (Dealing & Sales) Kuala Lumpur City Securities Sdn Bhd. Dir Charles Bradburne & Co (1930) Sdn Bhd.
        • (2) Y.M. Datuk Raja Abu Bakar Shah bin Raja Jalil Shah. Team Mngr Pahang FA 1988. Sec Pahang Datuks’ Assoc 2008. He had issue:
          • (a) Y.M. Raja Putri Diana Khursiah binti Raja Abu Bakar Shah. Human Resources Dept of IKIP Coll, Kuantan, Pahang.
      • ii) Y.M. Raja Harun al-Rashid bin Raja Haji Shahar Shah. Gen Mngr Hertz Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Presdt Asia Experience Tours Sdn Bhd, Car Rental Association of Malaysia (CRAM), etc.
      • iii) Y.M. Raja Petra Shah bin Raja Haji Shahar Shah. Exec Dir Truetech (M) Sdn Bhd, CEO Tropical Marine Resource. m. Y.M. Tengku Soraya binti Tengku Muhammad Yusuf Shah, daughter of Y.A.M. Tengku Muhammad Yusuf Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan ‘Ala ud-din Sulaiman Shah, Tengku Arif Temenggong, of Selangor, by his wife, Y.M. Raja Saidat ul-Azzama binti al-Marhum Raja Lope Nur Rashid, daughter of Brigadier Y.A.M. Datuk Sri Raja Lope Nur Rashid bin Raja ‘Abdu’l Rahman, Raja Kechil Besar, MBE, of Perak. He has issue, three children.
      • iv) Colonel Y.B.M. Raja Aman Shah bin Raja Haji Shahar Shah, Tengku Sri Kelana D’raja. b. 1935. C/O 12th RMR 1969-1970. Mbr Royal Council of Kelantan. Mbr Royal Pahang Polo Club (Pekan), Royal Selangor Polo Club (Ampang Hilir), Royal Malaysian Polo Assoc., etc. Rcvd: DJMK, AMP. m. (first) at Istana Telipot, Kelantan, 20th October 1966 (div.) Y.B.M. Dato’ Hajjah Tengku Salwani binti al-Marhum Sultan Yahya Petra (b. 1944), third daughter of Colonel H.R.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Yahya Petra ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Kelantan Dar ul-Naim, GCMG, by his wife, H.R.H. Tengku Zainab binti Tengku Muhammad Petra, Raja Perempuan, daughter of Y.B.M. Tengku Muhammad Petra bin Tengku Idris, Tengku Sri Utama Raja. m. (second) Y.B. Datin Hajjah Dr Nik Azizah binti Haji Nik Yahya, Cik Puan Sri Kelana D’raja, Senator, Chair Malay Chamber of Commerce Malaysia (MCCM) for Kelantan (Women’s Section). m. (a) ... He had issue:
        • (1) Y.M. Dato’ Raja Shah Zurin bin Raja Aman Shah [Shah Rezza]. b. 1960. Actor and wedding planner, MD Nusantara Gems Sdn Bhd, Chair Majlis Tilawah Al-Quran Saudara Kita 2006. Copyright©Christopher Buyers
        • (2) Y.M. Raja Azly Akram bin Raja Aman Shah, educ. Univ Technology MARA (UiTM), Johor Bahru. Systems Engineer
        • (3) Y.A.M. Tengku Muhammad Amir Saif ud-din Shah bin Raja Aman Shah. b. at Istana Batu, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, 1969 (s/o Tengku Salwani).
      • v) Y.M. Raja Iskandar Shah bin Raja Haji Shahar Shah, educ. Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur. HR Mngr Palmco Bhd, HR Dir Lion Grp and MD Skanza Hldgs Sdn Bhd.
      • i) Y.M. Raja Nur Jasmin binti Raja Haji Shahar Shah, educ. Ipoh Convent. Student teacher at Ipoh Convent 1954-1955, joined Federation of Malaya Police Force August 1955, prom as Inspector October 1955, Prosecutor Kuala Lumpur Magistrate’s Court 1958-1959, prom actg ASP 1959, c/o Federal Womens Police 1959. Proprietor of the “Yazmin” restaurant. Dir Yazmin Restaurants Sdn Bhd. Mbr Singapore International Chamber of Commerce. Rcvd: GSM (with Malaya clasp, 1957). m. Henry ... She d. before 2010.
      • ii) Y.M. Raja Nur Ismat binti Raja Haji Shahar Shah [Che’ Wan Nor Ismat]. b. 1934. Nurse at the Ipoh General Hospital until 1957. Renounced her Royal status and titles and assumed that of Che’ Wan Nor Ismat, 12th July 1957. m. at Georgetown, Penang, 13th July 1957, as his second wife, Y.Bhg. Dato’ ‘Abdu’llah bin Dato’ Setia Muhammad Nur ud-din (b. 1909), sometime State Sec Perak.
      • iii) Y.A.M. Raja Dato’ Sri Nur Mahani binti Raja Haji Shahar Shah, Raja Puan Muda. b. 18th October 1942 (d/o Yang Sharifa), educ. Methodist Boys’ Sch, Petaling Hill, Kuala Lampur. Presdt Perak Girl Guides Assoc. Chair Bina Kott Management Services Sdn Bhd since 2004. Author of “Warisan Santapan Darul Ridzuan” (2000). Rcvd: SPCM (15.4.1998), PCM. m. 197x, as his first wife, Y.A.M. Raja Dato’ Sri Ja’afar bin Raja Muda Musa, Raja di-Hiler (b. 26th September 1942), son of H.R.H. Raja Musa ibni al-Marhum Sultan ‘Abdu’l Aziz al-Mu’tasim Shah Billah, Raja Muda, sometime Presdt Council for Religious Affairs & Malay Customs, by his wife, Puan Mariam binti ‘Abdu’llah. She had issue, one son and one daughter – see below.
      • iv) Y.M. Raja Nur Baizura binti Raja Haji Shahar Shah. Copyright©Christopher Buyers
      • v) Y.M. Raja Nur Rohaini binti Raja Haji Shahar Shah. m. at Istana Firdaus, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, Y.M. Raja Ahmad Sheridin bin Raja Wahid ud-din, son of Y.M. Raja Wahid ud-din bin Raja Ahmad, by his wife, Y.M. Raja Nor Aziah binti Raja Dato’ Sri Shahriman, daughter of Y.M. Raja Dato’ Sri Shahriman bin Raja ‘Abdu’l Hamid, Engku Orang Kaya-kaya Maha Kurnia Indira di-Raja. She had issue, one son – see above.
      • vi) Y.M. Raja Juwita binti Raja Haji Shahar Shah (d/o Yang Sharifa).
      • vii) Y.M. Raja Zahara binti Raja Haji Shahar Shah [Lat] (d/o Yang Sharifa), educ. privately at Lausanne, Switzerland. m. General Y.M. Tan Sri Dato’ Ungku Nazar ud-din bin Ungku Muda Muhammad, KBE (b. at Pekan, 4th October 1923), sometime COGS and Ambassador to the Netherlands, son of Y.M. Encik Engku Muhammad al-Haj bin Engku Bendahara Abdul Rahman, Engku Muda, sometime Penghulu Besar of Pekan, by his first wife, Y.A.M. Tengku Hajjah Kalsum binti al-Marhum Sultan Sir Ahmad Mua’azzam Shah, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Baginda Al-Sultan Besar Sir Ahmad Mua’azzam Shah ibni al-Marhum Bendahara Sri Maharaja Tun Ali, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Pahang, KCMG. She had issue – see Malaysia (Pahang).
      • viii) Y.M. Raja Nandak binti Raja Haji Shahar Shah (d/o Yang Sharifa).
    • j) Y.M. Raja Anor Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid (s/o Mahtra), educ. Malay Coll, Kuala Kangsar. Attache at Kuala Lipis District Office 1935.
    • k) Y.M. Raja Nahar Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid (s/o Mahtra), educ. Malay Coll, Kuala Kangsar. m. Y.M. Raja Amriah binti Raja Haji Shu’ib, daughter of Y.A.M. Raja Haji Shu’ib ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sir Idris Murshid al-Azzam Shah Rahmatu’llah, Tengku Panglima Dalam, by his third wife, Cik Itam Zinobah. He had issue, three daughters:
      • i) Y.M. Raja ... binti Raja Nahar Shah.
      • ii) Y.M. Raja Fawziah binti Raja Nahar Shah. m. Y.M. Raja Lop bin Raja Haji Shahar. She had issue, one daughter.
      • iii) Y.M. Raja Hanim binti Raja Nahar Shah.
    • l) Y.M. Raja Haji Amir ‘Abdu’llah ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid (s/o Mahtra). m. (first) Y.M. Raja Nor Ajam. m. (second) Y.M. Raja Zaleha binti Sayyid Muhammad Hanafi (m. second, her brother-in-law, Y.M. Raja Muhammad Kamil ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid – see below), sixth daughter of Y.M. Sayyid Muhammad Hanafi bin Sayyid Muhammad Yatim Al-Shahab, by his second wife, Y.M. Raja Habsah binti Raja Haji Yahya, daughter of Y.M. Raja Haji Yahya bin Raja Daud [Tengku Kechil], Orang Kaya-Kaya Imam Paduka Tuan.. He had issue, one son and four daughters by his first wife:
      • i) Y.M. Raja Muhammad bin Raja Haji Amir ‘Abdu’llah (s/o Nor Ajam). Copyright©Christopher Buyers
      • i) Y.M. Raja Rashida binti Raja Haji Amir ‘Abdu’llah (d/o Nor Ajam).
      • ii) Y.M. Raja Iznun Shalehan binti Raja Haji Amir ‘Abdu’llah (d/o Nor Ajam).
      • iii) Y.M. Raja Maznun Shahiran binti Raja Haji Amir ‘Abdu’llah (d/o Nor Ajam).
      • iv) Y.M. Raja Salwa binti Raja Haji Amir ‘Abdu’llah (d/o Nor Ajam).
    • m) Y.M. Raja Idris Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid (s/o Mahtra), educ. Malay Coll, Kuala Kangsar. m. Y.M. Raja Nor Afza binti Raja Muhammad Husain, eldest daughter of Y.A.M. Raja Muhammad Husain ibni al-Marhum Sultan ‘Abdu’llah Muhammad Shah Habibu’llah, by his wife, Che’ Maizun. He d. 1983, having had issue, five sons and three daughters:
      • i) Y.M. Raja Ahsan Shah bin Raja Idris Shah.
      • ii) Y.M. Raja Ismail Izzam ud-din bin Raja Idris Shah.
      • iii) Y.M. Raja Hasran bin Raja Idris Shah.
      • iv) Y.M. Raja Hizan Shah bin Raja Idris Shah.
      • v) Y.M. Raja Bakhtiar Affendi bin Raja Idris Shah.
      • i) Y.M. Raja Nor Zahara binti Raja Idris Shah. Personal Assist to the Malaysian Ambassador to Kuwait. m. Y.M. Raja Kamal ud-din bin Raja Amir Shah [Ku Sayang], son of Major Y.M. Raja Dato’ Amir Shah bin Raja Razman, sometime Hon ADC to the Sultan of Perak 1939-1970, by his second wife, Y.A.M. Tengku Mahtera binti al-Marhum Sultan ‘Amal ud-din al-Sani Perkasa ‘Alam Shah, widow of Y.M. Tunku Izahain [Edham] bin Tunku Ibrahim, sometime ADO of Kubang Pasu, Kedah, and daughter of H.H. Sri Paduka Tuanku Sultan ‘Amal ud-din II Perkasa ‘Alam Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ma’amun al-Rashid Perkasa ‘Alam Shah, Sultan of Deli. She had issue, two sons and one daughter – see above.
      • ii) Y.M. Raja Nor Hayati binti Raja Idris Shah. m. Y.M. Raja Ahmad Sufian bin Raja Mahadi. She had issue, one son and three daughters:
        • (1) Y.M. Tengku Amall ud-din Sani bin Raja Ahmad Sufian. Gen Sec Justice Party (PKR). Copyright©Christopher Buyers
        • (1) Y.M. Raja Jurina binti Raja Ahmad Sufian.
        • (2) Y.M. Raja Mariam Ruzila binti Raja Ahmad Sufian. Cyberspace Security Lab, MIMOS. m. Encik Mohamad Yusri. She had issue, three daughters.
        • (3) Y.M. Tengku Norjaswa binti Raja Ahmad Sufian. Settled in Australia. m. Paul. She has issue, two children.
      • iii) Y.M. Raja Nor Akmar binti Raja Idris Shah.
    • n) Y.M. Raja Dato’ Badri Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid. b. at Istana Kolam, Kuala Kangsar, 1912 (s/o Zaidah), educ. Malay Coll, Kuala Kangsar. Private Secretary to Sultans Yussuf and Idris. Rcvd: PMP (28.8.1963), PJK. m. (first) as her first husband (div.), H.H. Tengku Rajhani binti al-Marhum Sultan Sir Ala’ud-din Sulaiman Shah (b. at the Istana Bandar Temasha, Kampung Bandar, Jugra, Kuala Langat, 11th October 1911; m. third, Y.M. Raja Kamil ud-din al-Haj ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid, and d. from renal cancer, 22nd September 1993, bur. Sultan Sulaiman Royal Mausoleum, Klang), widow of H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Sir Ahmad Taj ud-din Akhaz ul-Khairwaddien ibni al-Marhum Muhammad Jamal ul-Alam, Sultan of Brunei, KBE, CMG, and daughter of Colonel H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Sir ‘Ala ud-din Sulaiman Shah ibni al-Marhum Yang di-Pertuan Muda Musa, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Selangor Dar ul-Ihsan, GCMG, KCVO, by his wife, Cik Mon binti ‘Abdu’llah, Cik Anjung Negara. m. (second) Y.A.M. Raja Ambin binti al-Marhum Paduka Sri Sultan Sir ‘Abdu’l Jalil Nasir ud-din Muhtaram Shah [Embin], former wife of Y.A.M. Tengku Badar Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan ‘Ala ud-din Sulaiman Shah [Bahdzar], Raja Bendahara, of Selangor, and daughter of H.H. Maulana Paduka Sri Sultan Sir ‘Abdu’l Jalil Nasir ud-din al-Mukhataram Shah Radiu’llah ibni al-Marhum Paduka Sri Sultan Sir Idris Murshid al-Azzam Shah Rahmatu’llah, Sultan of Perak, KCMG, by his wife, H.H. Yong Safiah binti Muhammad Yunus, Raja Permaisuri. m. (third) Y.M. Raja Nurhera binti Raja Haji Shahar ud-din, widow of Y.M. Tengku Haji Husain bin Tengku Alang Yahya, of Asahan, and daughter of Y.A.M. Raja Haji Shahar ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sir Idris Murshid al-Azzam Shah Rahmatu’llah, by his first wife, Y.M. Raja Zubaida binti Raja Haji Mahmud, elder daughter of Y.M. Raja Haji Mahmud bin Raja Kechil ‘Usman, 4th Orang Kaya-kaya Imam Paduka Tuan of Perak. He d. at Bait ul-Izz, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, 1987, having had issue, one daughter by his first, and one son and two daughters by his third wife:
      • i) Y.M. Raja Izran Shah bin Raja Badri Shah (s/o Nurhera), educ. Malay Coll, Kuala Kangsar. Copyright©Christopher Buyers
      • i) Y.M. Raja Nor Iznin binti Raja Badri Shah (d/o Ambin).
      • ii) Y.M. Raja Hajjah Nor Izma binti Raja Badri Shah [Wan Ma]. b. 13th January 1951 (d/o Nurhera). Writer and adapter of children’s books for Kiddibird. She d. 7th February 1999.
      • iii) Y.M. Raja Nor Izaliah binti Raja Badri Shah [Wan Chick]. b. 12th July 1961 (d/o Nurhera), educ. The Open Univ Malaysia. Teacher at Bukit Chandan. Writer and adapter of children’s books for Kiddibird.
    • o) Y.M. Raja Kamil ud-din al-Haj ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid. b. at Bait ul-Anor, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, 1918 (s/o Mahtra). Drummer in the RMR 1956. m. (first) Y.M. Hajjah Tunku Duriah binti Tunku Haji Baharum, daughter of Y.M. Tunku Haji Baharum bin Tunku Dalil, of Negri Sembilan. m. (second) at the Istana Bukit Kota, Klang, Selangor, 18th August 1956, as her third husband, H.H. Tengku Rajhani binti al-Marhum Sultan Sir Ala’ud-din Sulaiman Shah (b. at the Istana Bandar Temasha, Kampung Bandar, Jugra, Kuala Langat, 11th October 1911; d. from renal cancer, 22nd September 1993, and bur. Sultan Sulaiman Royal Mausoleum, Klang), former wife of his brother, Y.M. Raja Dato’ Badri Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid, widow of H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Sir Ahmad Taj ud-din Akhaz ul-Khairwaddien ibni al-Marhum Muhammad Jamal ul-Alam, Sultan of Brunei, KBE, CMG, and daughter of Colonel H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Sir ‘Ala ud-din Sulaiman Shah ibni al-Marhum Yang di-Pertuan Muda Musa, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Selangor Dar ul-Ihsan, GCMG, KCVO, by his wife, Cik Mon binti ‘Abdu’llah, Cik Anjung Negara. He had issue, one son and one daughter by his first wife:
      • i) Y.M. Tunku … bin Raja Kamil ud-din al-Haj (s/o Tunku Duriah). Copyright©Christopher Buyers
      • i) Y.M. Tunku To’ Puan Nur Mazini binti Raja Kamil ud-din al-Haj (d/o Tunku Duriah). m. Y.D.M. Tengku Dato’ Dr Jamal ud-din bin Tengku Mahmud Shah al-Haj, Orang Kaya Maha Bijaya of Sepang, son of Y.A.M. Tengku Mahmud Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan ‘Ala ud-din Sulaiman Shah, by his wife, Y.M. Raja Habshah binti Raja Muhammad Bai, elder daughter of Y.M. Raja Muhammad Bai bin Raja ‘Usman, of Riau. She had issue, one son and twin daughters - see Malaysia (Selangor).
    • p) Y.M. Raja Tan Ahmad ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid. b. at Bait ul-Aman, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, 10th January 1920 (s/o Cik Sareah), educ. Malay Coll, Kuala Kangsar. Rcvd: AK, PPN, AMP. m. (first) Y.M. Tengku Salma Petra binti Tengku ‘Abdu’l Kadir (b. 1924; d. 21st August 1989), daughter of Y.M. Tengku ‘Abdu’l Kadir Petra ibni al-Marhum Sultan ‘Abdu’l Mutalib [Pak Hitam] [Kumuda], of Sai, by his wife, Y.M. Tengku Rahmah binti ibni al-Marhum Tengku ‘Abdu’l Kadir Kamar ud-din [Tengku Yah], youngest daughter of H.H. Tengku ‘Abdu’l Kadir Kamar ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sulaiman Sharif Ala ud-din Shah, Raja of Patani. m. (second) Y.M. Raja Baizura binti Raja ‘Abdu’llah. He d. 5th November 1992, having had issue, four sons and three daughters by his first, and one son and one daughter by his second wife:
      • i) Y.M. Raja Mohzan bin Raja Tan Ahmad. b. 6th May 1950 (s/o Salma Petra). m. Y.M. Tengku Djuarita binti Tengku Bendahara Amir ud-din (b. at Medan, Sumatra, 5th February 1954), daughter of Y.A.M. Tengku Amir ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ma’amun al-Rashid Perkasa ‘Alam Shah, Tengku Pangeran Bendahara, of Deli, in Sumatra, by his wife, Y.M. Raja Noor Aziah binti Raja Haji Harun ar-Rashid, Tengku Puan Bongsu, daughter of Y.A.M. Raja Haji Harun ar-Rashid ibni al-Marhum Paduka Sri Sultan Sir Idris Murshid al-A’zam Shah Rahmadu’llah Shah, Raja Kechil Sulong of Perak. He had issue, one son and one daughter:
        • (1) Y.M. Raja Ahmad Mohzan ud-din Shah bin Raja Mohzan. b. 31st August 1972, educ. Mara Univ of Technology (LL.B. 1999). Attorney High Court of Malaya 2000. Partner Azmi & Assocs. Advocates & Solicitors. m. Cik Akma Roslina binti Haji Kamar ud-din (b. 11th March 1975).
        • (1) Y.M. Raja Nur ul-Faira binti Raja Mohzan. b. 24th October 1985, educ. Univ Malaysia Pahang (UMP).
      • ii) Y.M. Raja Hizan Shah bin Raja Tan Ahmad. b. 20th February 1952 (s/o Salma Petra). He d. 20th July 1984.
      • iii) Y.M. Raja Harun Iskandar bin Raja Tan Ahmad (s/o Baizura).
      • iv) Y.M. Raja Mahmood Mahiyeddeen bin Raja Tan Ahmad. b. 6th December 1957 (s/o Salma Petra).
      • v) Y.M. Raja Aman Shah bin Raja Tan Ahmad. b. 5th December 1959 (d/o Salma Petra). m. Che’ Aisha Nur binti ‘Abdu’llah (b. 4th February 1960), née Wong Yee Wan. He has issue, one daughter:
        • (1) Y.M. Raja Ilinur Salma binti Raja Aman Shah. b. 20th June 2001.
      • i) Y.M. Raja Nor Afzan binti Raja Tan Ahmad. b. 4th July 1953 (d/o Salma Petra). m. … She had issue, two sons and one daughter.
      • ii) Y.M. Raja Teh Azyan binti Raja Tan Ahmad. b. 20th August 1955 (d/o Salma Petra). Copyright©Christopher Buyers
      • iii) Y.M Raja Nor Baizura binti Raja Tan Ahmad. b. 10th June 1962 (d/o Salma Petra).
      • iv) Y.M. Raja Nor Saerah binti Raja Tan Ahmad (d/o Baizura).
    • q) Y.M. Raja Hisham ud-din ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid. b. 1924 (s/o Mahtra). m. Cik Puan Halimat un-Sa’adiah, daughter of Haji Omar bin Ahmad, by his wife, Hajjah Wok Saniah binti Haji Muhammad Satar. He d. from heart failure, at Greentown, 16th June 1969, having had issue:
      • i) Y.M. Raja Halim ul-Rashid bin Raja Hisham ud-din. He had issue, two sons and one daughter:
        • (1) Y.M. Raja Iskandar bin Raja Halim ul-Rashid.
        • (2) Y.M. Raja Shahril bin Raja Halim ul-Rashid.
        • (1) Y.M. Raja Nur ul-Huda binti Raja Halim ul-Rashid.
    • r) Y.A.M. Raja Dato’ Sri Zainal-Karib Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid, Tengku Sri Indra Raja. b. at Bait ul-Anor, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, (s/o Mahtra). Cmsnr for Religion and Justice in Trengganu 1972-1975 and 1990-1991, Dir PTG Trengganu 1984-1988, Chair Trengganu Regency Council 1998. Dir Kelana Jaya Medical Centre Sdn Bhd. Granted the title of Tengku Sri Indra Raja by the Sultan of Trengganu, 22nd October 1963. Rcvd: DK, SSMT (29.4.1992), SPMT (29.4.1986), PJC, PJK, BLB. m. at Istana Maziah, Kuala Trengganu, 5th October 1957, Y.A.M.Tengku Zaina Putri binti al-Marhum Sultan Ismail Nasir ud-din Shah, fourth daughter of Colonel H.R.H. Sri Paduka Baginda Tuanku Sultan Ismail Nasir ud-din Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal Abidin, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Trengganu Dar al-Iman, KCMG, by his second wife, Y.M. Tengku Tengah Zahara binti Tengku ‘Umar, elder daughter of Y.A.M. Tengku ‘Umar ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sir Ahmad al-Mu’azzam Shah, Tengku Setia di-Raja, of Pahang. He had issue, two sons and one daughter:
      • i) Y.M. Raja Muhammad Zain ul-Rafiq Shah bin Raja Zainal Karib Shah.
      • ii) Y.M. Raja Muhammad Zain ul-Ihsan Shah bin Raja Zainal Karib Shah.
      • i) Y.M. Raja Nor Diana binti Raja Zainal Karib Shah. Asst Gen Mngr (Marketing Support) MAS.
    • s) Y.M. Raja Norman Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid (s/o Zaharat ul-Ain). m. Y.M. Raja Rafsah binti Raja Razman, daughter of Y.M. Raja Razman bin Raja ‘Abdu’l Hamid, ‘Toh Muda Orang Kaya-kaya Maha Kurnia Indra di-Raja, by his first wife, Che’ Chik, from Kampong Kubu Bahru. No issue.
    • t) Y.M Raja Khalil Shah bin Raja Harun Al-Rashid (s/o Zaharat ul-Ain). He d. unm. 2004. Copyright©Christopher Buyers
    • u) Y.M. Raja Aziz ul-Khair bin Raja Harun Al-Rashid [Azizulkhir]. b. 23rd November 1940 (s/o Zaharat ul-Ain). Panglima Besar of Istana Iskandariah. Actg Chair Perak Royal Relatives Assoc. m. Cik Wan Ainen binti Wan 'Abdu'l Rahman (b. 1940), sometime Police Corporal, daughter of Wan 'Abdu'l Rahman bin Wan Kassim, a descendant of the rulers of Pasai, in Sumatra, by his wife, Wan Su binti Wan Long. He had issue, one son and four daughters:
      • i) Y.M. Raja Muhammad Zulkarnain bin Raja Aziz ul-Khair. b. 27th May 1975.
      • i) Y.M. Raja Masrina binti Raja Aziz ul-Khair. b. 27th May 1966. m. 1992, Encik Adlin Azam bin Zulkifli (b. 1966). She had issue, one son and three daughters.
      • ii) Y.M. Raja Noor Khariah binti Raja Aziz ul-Khair. b. 3rd February 1968. m. Encik Ismail bin Jasmani (b. 1966). She has issue, two sons and three daughters.
      • iii) Y.M. Raja Myrna binti Raja Aziz ul-Khair. b. 14th May 1970. m. Encik Amm Mashor Maharis bin ‘Abdu’l Wahab (b. 1971). She has adopted one son.
      • iv) Y.M. Raja Zaharat ul-Ain binti Raja Aziz ul-Khair. b. 17th July 1980. She d. 8th April 1992.
    • v) Y.M. Raja Baharin ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid (s/o Sharifa Asiah). m. Cik Aini. He had issue, eight children.
    • w) Y.M. Raja Ahmad Azizan ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid. b. 1936 (s/o Sharifa Asiah), educ. Malayan Teachers’ Training Coll, Kirkby, Lancs. m. at Sri Menanti, 21st August 1965, Y.M. Tunku Putri Barirah binti Tunku Sulong (b. 1944), daughter of Y.M. Tunku Sulong bin Tunku Sulaiman, of Negri Sembilan, by his wife, Y.M. Tunku Dato’ Sri Hamdah binti Tunku Besar Burhan ud-din, daughter of Y.A.M. Tunku Burhan ud-din ibni al-Marhum Tuanku Antah, Tunku Besar, CMG. He d. 1986, having had issue, three children, including a son and a daughter:
      • i) Y.M. Raja Fuad ud-din Muammar bin Raja Ahmad Azizan.
      • i) Y.M. Raja Yasmin Baizura binti Raja Ahmad Azizan.
    • x) Y.M. Raja Haji Muhammad ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid. b. 1939 (s/o Sharifa Asiah). m. Cik Puan Khadija binti ‘Abdu’llah [Khatijah], daughter of Encik ‘Abdu’llah Nawawi bin Omar, of Kuala Trengganu, by his wife, Cik Puan Fatima binti Embong. He d. 25th November 1994 (bur. at the Al-Ghufran Royal Cemetery, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar), having had issue, six sons and one daughter:
      • i) Y.M. Raja Faisal bin Raja Haji Muhammad.
      • ii) Y.M. Raja Roslan bin Raja Haji Muhammad, educ. Alam Shah Sch, Malaysia Univ of Science (B.Tech. 1993), Univ of Massachusetts, Lowell (MSc 2003), Massachusetts, USA, and the Queen’s Univ, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Production Supt with Wembley Rubber Products (M) Sdn Bhd 1993-1995, Snr Engineer with UMW Autoparts Sdn Bhd 1995-2001, Lecturer at MARA Univ of Technology (UiTM) 2003-2008. m. 1st January 1995, Cik Puan Rodzila binti ‘Abdu’llah. He has issue, one son and two daughters:
        • (1) Y.M. Raja Zulhilmi bin Raja Roslan.
        • (1) Y.M. Raja Nur Humaira binti Raja Roslan.
        • (2) Y.M. Raja Nur Adriana binti Raja Roslan.
      • iii) Y.M. Raja Rafi ud-din bin Raja Haji Muhammad.
      • iv) Y.M. Raja Azmir bin Raja Haji Muhammad, educ. St. John’s Institution, Kuala Lumpur. m. Cik Puan Norma.
      • v) Y.M. Raja Azri bin Raja Haji Muhammad.
      • vi) Y.M. Raja Adli bin Raja Haji Muhammad.
      • i) Y.M. Raja Zahira binti Raja Haji Muhammad.
    • y) Y.M. Raja Osman Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid (full brother of Nur Azian).
    • z) Y.M. Raja Muhammad Kamil ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid (s/o Mahtra). m. Y.M. Raja Zaleha binti Sayyid Muhammad Hanafi, former wife of his elder brother, Y.M. Raja Haji Amir ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid, and sixth daughter of Y.M. Sayyid Muhammad Hanafi bin Sayyid Muhammad Yatim Al-Shahab, by his second wife, Y.M. Raja Habsah binti Raja Haji Yahya, daughter of Y.M. Raja Haji Yahya bin Raja Daud [Tengku Kechil], Orang Kaya-Kaya Imam Paduka Tuan.
    • a) Y.M. Raja Nur Anuwar binti al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid (d/o Sareah). m. at Kuala Kangsar, February 1923 (div.) Y.A.M. Tengku Muhammad ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sir Ahmad al-Mu’azzam Shah, Tengku Muda, CBE (b. 1901; d. at Kuantan, 8th January 1957), sometime Chief Minister of Trengganu and Pahang, son of H.H. Paduka Sri Baginda Sultan Sir Ahmad al-Mu’azzam Shah ibni al-Marhum Dato’ Bendahara Sri Maharaja Tun ‘Ali, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Pahang, KCMG, by his fifth wife, Inche’ Hajjah Fatima binti Talib. She had issue, one son and one daughter – see Malaysia (Pahang).
    • b) Y.M. Raja Shahar un-Nasra binti al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid (d/o Cik Ah).
    • c) Y.A.M. Raja Nur Azian binti al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid, Tengku Puan Bongsu (full sister of Osman Shah). Styled Tengku Puan Bendahara from 1st August 1930, and Tengku Puan Bongsu from 23rd September 1936. m. at the Istana Agong Kota Ma’amun, Medan, 3rd June 1928, Y.A.M. Tengku Amir ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan ‘Amal ud-din al-Sani Perkasa ‘Alam Shah, Tengku Pangeran Bendahara (b. 12th March 1905), second son of H.H. Sri Paduka Tuanku Sultan ‘Amal ud-din II Perkasa ‘Alam Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ma’amun al-Rashid Perkasa ‘Alam Shah, Sultan of Deli, by his second wife, Encik Mariyam, Encik Puan Negara. She had issue, two sons and a daughter – see Indonesia (Deli). Copyright©Christopher Buyers
    • d) H.H. Raja Nur Shida binti al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid [Norshidah], Tengku Ampuan. b. at Bait ul-Anor, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, 1914 (d/o Mahtra). Granted the title of Tengku Ampuan Besar 11th October 1935, and installed at the Istana Agong Kota Ma’amun, Medan, as Tengku Ampuan 6th October 1945. m. at Kuala Kangsar, 11th April 1935, as his third wife, H.H. Sri Paduka Tuanku Sultan Otteman II Perkasa Alam Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan ‘Amal ud-din al-Sani Perkasa Alam Shah, Sultan of Deli (b. at the Istana Agong Kota Ma’amun, Medan, 20th August 1900; d. at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5th June 1967), eldest son of H.H. Sri Paduka Tuanku Sultan ‘Amal ud-din II Perkasa Alam Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ma’amun al-Rashid Perkasa Alam Shah, Sultan of Deli, by his first wife, H.H. Raja Mariam Maheran binti al-Marhum Sultan ‘Abdu’llah Muhammad Shah Habibu’llah, Tengku Mahasuri, daughter of H.H. Maulana Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan ‘Abdu’llah Muhammad Shah II Habibu’llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ja’afar Safi ud-din Mu’adzam Shah, Sultan of Perak. She d. 13th September 1978, having had issue, one daughter – see Indonesia (Deli).
    • e) Y.M. Raja Nor Azian binti al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid (d/o Sharifa Asiah). m. as his first wife, Y.M. Tunku Rijal ud-din bin Tunku Muhammad, son of H.H. Tunku Muhammad ibni al-Marhum Sultan ‘Abdu’l Hamid Halim Shah, Raja Muda, CMG, sometime Regent of Kedah, by his wife, Y.M. Tunku Net binti Tunku Mahmud, daughter of Colonel H.H. Tunku Mahmud ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad Taj ud-din Mukarram Shah, Raja Muda, KBE, CMG, sometime Regent of Kedah – see Malaysia (Kedah).
    • f) Y.M. Raja Nor Zain un-nisa binti al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid. m. Y.A.M. Tengku Dato’ Shahar ud-din Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan ‘Ala ud-din Sulaiman Shah, Tengku Sri Andika di-Raja (b. 11th April 1918), son of Colonel H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Sir ‘Ala ud-din Sulaiman Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Muda Musa, Sultan of Selangor, GCMG, KCVO, by his ninth wife, Cik Bidayah binti Ahmad, Cik Puri. She had issue, three sons and one daughter – see Malaysia (Selangor).
    • g) Y.M. Raja Rahzashur binti al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid (d/o Zirah).
    • h) Y.M Raja Lat Faizah binti Raja Harun al-Rashid. b. 1933 (d/o Zaharat ul-Ain). m. Y.M. Raja ‘Abdu’llah Ismara bin Raja Ahmad Ismara, eldest son of Y.M. Raja Ahmad Ismara bin Raja Alang Ismara. She had issue, ten children – see Indonesia (Riau).
    • i) Y.M Raja Nur Fauzia binti Raja Harun al-Rashid. b. 1936 (d/o Zaharat ul-Ain). m. Encik Muhammad Hassan bin Haji Amin, PJK (b. 1933; d. 2008), son of Haji Amin bin Haji Ahmad. She had issue, three sons and one daughter.
    • j) Y.M. Raja Nor Izzah ibni al-Marhum Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid (d/o Sharifa Asiah). m. Y.M. Raja Azlan. No issue.
    • k) Y.M Raja Nor ul-Baizura binti Raja Harun al-Rashid (d/o Sareah). m. at Kuala Kangsar, 2nd March 1935, Y.M. Raja Petra bin Raja Mahmud, sometime ADO Kajang, fifth son of Y.T.M. Raja Mahmud ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, Raja Muda, of Selangor, sometime Penghulu of Berenang and Semenyih – see Malaysia (Selangor).
    • l) Y.M. Raja Nor Zihan binti Raja Harun al-Rashid. Copyright©Christopher Buyers
    • m) Y.M. Raja Nor Nin binti Raja Harun al-Rashid.
    • n) Y.M. Raja Nor Pah binti Raja Harun al-Rashid.
    • o) Y.M. Raja Nor Kamar binti Raja Harun al-Rashid. b. at Bait ul-Anor, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, (d/o Mahtra). m. as his first wife, Y.M. Raja Lope Ahmad.
    • p) Y.M. Raja Nor Shamar binti Raja Harun al-Rashid. b. at Bait ul-Anor, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, (d/o Mahtra). m. as his second wife, Y.M. Raja Lope Ahmad.
    • q) Y.M. Raja Nor Shiha binti Raja Harun al-Rashid. m. Y.M. Raja Shoran Shah bin Raja ‘Abdu’l Rashid [Soran] (b. 1909; d. at Kuala Kangsar, June 1997), sometime Penghulu of Parit Buntar, Matang and Kota Lama Kiri, eldest son of her paternal uncle, Y.A.M. Raja ‘Abdu’l Rashid ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sir Idris Murshid al-Azzam Shah Rahmatu’llah, Raja Bendahara, CMG, CBE, by his wife, Y.M. Raja Lun Zubaida binti Raja Ahmad, daughter of Y.M. Raja Lope Ahmad ibni al-Marhum Raja Alang Iskandar. She had issue, one son and one daughter – see below.
    • r) Y.M. Raja Nor Hizayah binti Raja Harun al-Rashid. m. Y.M. Raja Muhammad. She had issue.
    • s) Y.M. Raja Nor Hanizah binti Raja Harun al-Rashid. m. Y.A.M. Raja Chik Ja’afar ibni al-Marhum Sultan ‘Abdu’llah Muhammad Shah Habibu’llah, She had issue, one son – see above.
    • t) Y.M. Raja Fauziah binti Raja Harun al-Rashid [Ku Ee]. b. at Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, 3rd May 1936 (d/o Cik Zarat ul-Ain). m. Encik Muhammad Hassan bin Haji Amin [Wan Ee] (b. at Penang, 19th June 1933; d. 18th January 2008), rcvd: PJK. She had issue, three sons and two daughters.
    • u) Y.M. Raja Nor Akmar binti Raja Harun al-Rashid [Ku Duna]. b. at Bait ul-Anor, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, (d/o Mahtra). m. Y.A.M. Raja Muhammad Iskandar ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sir Iskandar Shah al-Kaddasu’llah [Namad] (b. 1928; m. second, Y.M. Tengku Khillah binti Tengku Yahya, and k. in a car crash, at Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, 1st April 1961, leaving further issue), second son of Colonel H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Sir Iskandar Shah al-Kaddasu’llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sir Idris Murshid al-Azzam Shah Rahmatu’llah, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Perak, GCMG, KCVO, by his third wife, H.H. Raja Puteh Umi Kalsum binti Raja Kulop Muhammad Kramat, Raja Perempuan, younger daughter of Y.M. Raja Kulop Muhammad Kramat bin Raja Alang Iskandar, of Kuala Dipang. She had issue – see below.
    • v) Y.M. Raja Nor Diana binti Raja Harun al-Rashid [Ku Duni]. b. at Bait ul-Anor, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, (d/o Mahtra). m. Y.M. Raja Muhammad Zulkifli bin Raja Ishak, son of Y.M. Raja Ishak bin Raja Kulop Muhammad, by his wife, Y.M. Raja Nur Uyun binti Raja Bendahara ‘Abdu’l Rashid [Noruyun], daughter of Y.A.M. Raja ‘Abdu’l Rashid ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sir Idris Murshid al-Azzam Shah Rahmatu’llah, Raja Bendahara, CMG, CBE. She had issue – see above.
    • w) Y.M. Raja Zaima binti Raja Harun al-Rashid. b. at Bait ul-Anor, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, (d/o Mahtra).
    • Copyright©Christopher Buyers

raja ligor

Raja Sulaiman (Mangkat di Ligor.), a 'Crown Prince' for many Rulers but was never made the Sultan of Perak.

'Raja Sulaiman mangkat di Ligor' was a 'Regent' of the Sultanate of Perak. He was made a 'Crown Prince' by his father, Sultan Abdullah Muhammad Shah, the 22nd Sultan of Perak (S22) at a young age of nine. He continue becoming the 'Regent' of Perak during the reign of Sultan Ali (S24}, Sultan Ismail (S25), Sultan Abdullah Marhum  Habibullah Shah (S26), and during the rule of his brother, Sultan Yusuf Sharifuddin (S27).

His brother, Sultan Yusuf Sharifuddin (S27) rule the Sultanate of Perak from 1877 to 1887. He was only installed as a 'Sultan' on the 11th. May 1887 and he died on the 26th. July 1887.

Raja Sulaiman married Tengku Putih Aishah the daughter of Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin of Kedah. He died in Ligor in 1980, now known as Nakhon Sitammarat. He left behind Raja Haji Daeng, Raja Habibah and Raja Haji Abdul Rahman in Perak. Tengku Long Putih, Tengku Esah (Tengku Esau or Ku Ngah), Tengku Jahara (Ku Jah) and Tengku Chik (Prince) were left in Ligor, Siam.

Tengku Putih Aishah is a daughter to Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Mukarram Shah 111 of Kedah. Her mother Wan Hajar is the second wife to the Sultan and also a mother to Sultan Abdul Hamid.

Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Mukarram Shah 111 have two wives, Wan Jah and the other Wan Hajar. Upon his death in June 1879, he left behind Sultan Zainal Rashid Al Muadzam 11, Tengku Long Jahtera (Jahara), Tengku Putih Aishah,Tengku Hamid (later known as Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim  Shah) and other siblings.

Sultan Zainal Rashid Al Muadzam 11 and Tengku Long Jahara are the children of his first wife's, Wan Jah binti Nik Luang (Long) Zainal Abidin.

After the death of Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Mukarram Shah 111 on 22nd June 1879, the Council of the palace appointed Sultan Zainal Rashid AL Muadzam Shah 11 to be the next Sultan as to replace his father. The installation of the new Sultan was delayed for more than a year. The coronation date was set for the installation of the new Sultan of Kedah, by the Palace Council . In mid 1881 Raja Sulaiman was instructed by his brother to attend the Coronation on behalf of the Sultanate of Perak.

It was a misty cold morning, the sun was in the horizon, Raja Sulaiman hugged and kissed the children while they were sleeping. He did not even cross his mind that he would not see them again. Raja Sulaiman, his wife and his entourage left the Palace in Kuala Kangsar for the last time. He left behind his three young children, Raja Daeng, Raja Habibah and Raja Sulaiman at the age of 9,7 and 5.

As Raja Sulaiman and his entourage arrived in Kedah, they were well received by the Royal official of the Sultanate of Kedah. They were very tired and took a rest. Tengku Putih Aishah take this opportunity to visited the grave of her late father Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin.

Early in the morning while the birds were singing, looking for the worms and insects on the branches of the trees. The people were busy dressing up in colourful fabrics. They look vibrant, getting ready, gathering, and grouping to celebrate the Coronation.

Just before the Installation ceremony were to take place, and before a large crowd were about to gather, a group of Siamese soldiers condone the palace. The palace guard was taken by surprise and brutally murdered. There was bloodshed within the palace compound. The victim were the palace guards and the palace officials. The soldiers targeted, Sultan Zainal Rashid, the Princes and Princess, Raja Sulaiman together with his wife Tengku Putih Aishah, and the palace officials. Some commoners were also roped in and abducted.

Tengku Putih sister,Tengku Luang Jahara and her husband, Raja Daud, the Prince of the Selangor Sultanate, manage to escape from ordeal of the massacre.  

It was later found out that the Siamese soldiers were already within the vicinity of the Palace for the last six months waiting for the right moment. The soldiers dressed as local, mingle with the native, eat the local food and live with the villages. They pretend to be merchants and traders. They acquired the language of the indigenous people within this short stay. They study the weakness of the inhabitant while identifying and preying for their victims.

The soldiers head for Ligor. The journey on foot from Kedah to Ligor took almost six months passing through thick jungle, muddy rivers, rocky and slippery terrain while tolerating hot humid tropical weather. Sometime they had to take shelter under the trees or within the caves. They have to build shelters out of branches covered with leaves as to protect them from the heavy tropical rain and disease that come together with it.They cover themselves with clothes or sarong as to escape from mosquitoes, leeches, scorpions, and insects. During the night they burn wood from the forest to give them warm and to scare away the snakes and wild animals, tigers and elephants.

When the sun is up to give warmness of a day and removed the shed of darkness, they hunt for animals and birds as to replenish their food for another few days. They went to the stream to clean and cool themselves from the hot and humid weather.

They collected water for drinks and catch fish for them to grille. They even plugged wild mushrooms which are familiar to them. They have to be extra careful for some wild mushrooms  are poisonous.  Bamboo shoots were cut and boiled in place of vegetable which are not available in the jungle. There are abandon of fern like plants, which the local called 'pucuk paku'.

It was a though time for the Princes and Princesses to go through such a rough journey. The soldiers carry with them liquors, water, food supply on the elephants. The Sultan were allowed to ride the elephant, while the others were have to travel by foot through the hectic journey.

On arrival in Ligor, they were temporary house in the army barrack, given proper food, and were allowed to take their bath and rest. They were well taken care and were allowed to move freely within the guarded boundary of the army camp. They were not treated as prisoners.

Sultan Zainal Rashid 11 was treated with respect by the soldiers. He was given a position within the confine of army camp. He was in full uniform and gears. After a few years of stay, they were given proper accommodations to share within their own families and the right to stay as the local. They were free to move beyond the limit of the army camp, once a prison which they call home. Even though they were given the freedom, no one take this opportunity to escape.

Raja Sulaiman was treated with respect as a Prince. The area where they live is now known as Kampong Melayu. Ligor have been named Nakorn Sitammarat. Ligor is the biggest army camp in Siam with a land area equivalent to Kuala Lumpur. In the absence of Raja Sulaiman and upon recommendation by his adviser Raja Alang Iskandar, his brother, Sultan Yusuf Sharifuddin made his son-in-law, Raja Idris his next in line.

After almost ten years being 'The Head of State,, Sultan Yusuf Sharifuddin (S27) was installed as 'Sultan' on the 11th. May 1887. He immediately made his son-in-law, Raja Idris the 'Regent'. One and half month after the installation, Sultan Yusuf Sharifuddin pass away.

In Ligor they still practice the Palace protocol and they have to give respect to the Sultan, Princes and Princesses. There are still segregation in between the royalties and the commoners in their daily social activities.Sultan Zainal Rashid died and was buried in Ligor but later in the 60th during the premiership of the first Malaysian Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman ibni  Armahum Sultan Abdul Hamid, Sultan Zainal Rashid grave was exhume and his remain was relocted in Alor Star Kedah.

in the absent of Sultan Zainal Rashid, Sultan Abdul Halim Shah was installed the next Sultan of kedah on the 22nd september 1881. Raja Sulaiman finally became a preacher in southern Thailand, especially in Petani.

Raja Sulaiman died and was buried in Ligor. Raja Daud and Tengku Long Jahara return to Kuala Kangsar but was not welcome by the Palace They decided to stay in a remote village along the river bank know as Kampong Menora. Raja Daud never return to Selangor since Selangor Sultanate was squabbling for power.

Raja Daud died and was buried in Kampong Menora at side of the river bank. Tengku Long Jahtera left for Mecca with her elder son. She died and was buried in Mecca while her son return to the Malay Peninsular and stay in Bukit Chandan beside the Palace in Kuala Kangsar.

In 1943 when the Japanese invaded Thailand, Raja Sulaiman daughter-in-law, who is a commoner, take this opportunity to escape by train to the  Malay Peninsular. She brought along with her two daughters, Tengku Halimah and Tengku Zainab who was only 7 and 5 years old. She left behind her youngest three year old son, who was well guarded by the father and relatives.

When I met Raja Sulaiman daughter-in-law for the second time, in the early millennium, she was already in the ninety. She was weak, frilled, sickly and was unable to elaborate very much.

When Malay Peninsular gained independent in 1957, Raja Sulaiman is free to return home. He had refused to do so maybe due security reasons or he has already built a family, had grand children, and Ligor is already his home.

Raja Sulaiman toke the title 'Tengku' instead of 'Raja' since the rest of the Princes from Kedah were adressed as 'Tengku'. He was designated as 'Tengku Sulaiman' or commonly know as 'Ku Man' among his peers. Tengku Putih Aishah prefered to be called Tengku 'Long' Aishah, similar to the surname of her sister. Their children and grand children were named after the names of her sister's children.

Tengku Long Jahara opt for the name Tengku Long Jahtera (from the word 'sejahtera' which mean 'peace'). She left for Mecca with her son Raja Mohamed Nasib. She died in Mecca but her son Raja Mohamed Nasib returned to the Malay Peninsula and live in Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar Perak. Tengku Long Jahtera daughter, Raja Latifah prefered to be called Teah upon her return from Mecca.

In 1934, in Taiping Perak, Raja Abdul Rahman, the son of Raja Sulaiman gave his sons another name, Raja Mohamed Nawi @' Mohamed Aznan', Raja Mohamed Sakawi @ 'Ahmad'.

Raja Haji Abdul Rahman declared in the... 'FORM OF STATUTORY DECLARATION'....'GOVERMENTS OF THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES'...3 day of March 1934.... that his son, Raja Momamed Nawi...'He has two name hence the difference...In future he will known as Mohamed Aznan...'.His new Birth Certificate was issued in Selama Perak, inclusive of the new name ..'.