Monday 15 October 2012

raja ligor

Raja Sulaiman (Mangkat di Ligor.), a 'Crown Prince' for many Rulers but was never made the Sultan of Perak.

'Raja Sulaiman mangkat di Ligor' was a 'Regent' of the Sultanate of Perak. He was made a 'Crown Prince' by his father, Sultan Abdullah Muhammad Shah, the 22nd Sultan of Perak (S22) at a young age of nine. He continue becoming the 'Regent' of Perak during the reign of Sultan Ali (S24}, Sultan Ismail (S25), Sultan Abdullah Marhum  Habibullah Shah (S26), and during the rule of his brother, Sultan Yusuf Sharifuddin (S27).

His brother, Sultan Yusuf Sharifuddin (S27) rule the Sultanate of Perak from 1877 to 1887. He was only installed as a 'Sultan' on the 11th. May 1887 and he died on the 26th. July 1887.

Raja Sulaiman married Tengku Putih Aishah the daughter of Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin of Kedah. He died in Ligor in 1980, now known as Nakhon Sitammarat. He left behind Raja Haji Daeng, Raja Habibah and Raja Haji Abdul Rahman in Perak. Tengku Long Putih, Tengku Esah (Tengku Esau or Ku Ngah), Tengku Jahara (Ku Jah) and Tengku Chik (Prince) were left in Ligor, Siam.

Tengku Putih Aishah is a daughter to Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Mukarram Shah 111 of Kedah. Her mother Wan Hajar is the second wife to the Sultan and also a mother to Sultan Abdul Hamid.

Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Mukarram Shah 111 have two wives, Wan Jah and the other Wan Hajar. Upon his death in June 1879, he left behind Sultan Zainal Rashid Al Muadzam 11, Tengku Long Jahtera (Jahara), Tengku Putih Aishah,Tengku Hamid (later known as Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim  Shah) and other siblings.

Sultan Zainal Rashid Al Muadzam 11 and Tengku Long Jahara are the children of his first wife's, Wan Jah binti Nik Luang (Long) Zainal Abidin.

After the death of Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Mukarram Shah 111 on 22nd June 1879, the Council of the palace appointed Sultan Zainal Rashid AL Muadzam Shah 11 to be the next Sultan as to replace his father. The installation of the new Sultan was delayed for more than a year. The coronation date was set for the installation of the new Sultan of Kedah, by the Palace Council . In mid 1881 Raja Sulaiman was instructed by his brother to attend the Coronation on behalf of the Sultanate of Perak.

It was a misty cold morning, the sun was in the horizon, Raja Sulaiman hugged and kissed the children while they were sleeping. He did not even cross his mind that he would not see them again. Raja Sulaiman, his wife and his entourage left the Palace in Kuala Kangsar for the last time. He left behind his three young children, Raja Daeng, Raja Habibah and Raja Sulaiman at the age of 9,7 and 5.

As Raja Sulaiman and his entourage arrived in Kedah, they were well received by the Royal official of the Sultanate of Kedah. They were very tired and took a rest. Tengku Putih Aishah take this opportunity to visited the grave of her late father Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin.

Early in the morning while the birds were singing, looking for the worms and insects on the branches of the trees. The people were busy dressing up in colourful fabrics. They look vibrant, getting ready, gathering, and grouping to celebrate the Coronation.

Just before the Installation ceremony were to take place, and before a large crowd were about to gather, a group of Siamese soldiers condone the palace. The palace guard was taken by surprise and brutally murdered. There was bloodshed within the palace compound. The victim were the palace guards and the palace officials. The soldiers targeted, Sultan Zainal Rashid, the Princes and Princess, Raja Sulaiman together with his wife Tengku Putih Aishah, and the palace officials. Some commoners were also roped in and abducted.

Tengku Putih sister,Tengku Luang Jahara and her husband, Raja Daud, the Prince of the Selangor Sultanate, manage to escape from ordeal of the massacre.  

It was later found out that the Siamese soldiers were already within the vicinity of the Palace for the last six months waiting for the right moment. The soldiers dressed as local, mingle with the native, eat the local food and live with the villages. They pretend to be merchants and traders. They acquired the language of the indigenous people within this short stay. They study the weakness of the inhabitant while identifying and preying for their victims.

The soldiers head for Ligor. The journey on foot from Kedah to Ligor took almost six months passing through thick jungle, muddy rivers, rocky and slippery terrain while tolerating hot humid tropical weather. Sometime they had to take shelter under the trees or within the caves. They have to build shelters out of branches covered with leaves as to protect them from the heavy tropical rain and disease that come together with it.They cover themselves with clothes or sarong as to escape from mosquitoes, leeches, scorpions, and insects. During the night they burn wood from the forest to give them warm and to scare away the snakes and wild animals, tigers and elephants.

When the sun is up to give warmness of a day and removed the shed of darkness, they hunt for animals and birds as to replenish their food for another few days. They went to the stream to clean and cool themselves from the hot and humid weather.

They collected water for drinks and catch fish for them to grille. They even plugged wild mushrooms which are familiar to them. They have to be extra careful for some wild mushrooms  are poisonous.  Bamboo shoots were cut and boiled in place of vegetable which are not available in the jungle. There are abandon of fern like plants, which the local called 'pucuk paku'.

It was a though time for the Princes and Princesses to go through such a rough journey. The soldiers carry with them liquors, water, food supply on the elephants. The Sultan were allowed to ride the elephant, while the others were have to travel by foot through the hectic journey.

On arrival in Ligor, they were temporary house in the army barrack, given proper food, and were allowed to take their bath and rest. They were well taken care and were allowed to move freely within the guarded boundary of the army camp. They were not treated as prisoners.

Sultan Zainal Rashid 11 was treated with respect by the soldiers. He was given a position within the confine of army camp. He was in full uniform and gears. After a few years of stay, they were given proper accommodations to share within their own families and the right to stay as the local. They were free to move beyond the limit of the army camp, once a prison which they call home. Even though they were given the freedom, no one take this opportunity to escape.

Raja Sulaiman was treated with respect as a Prince. The area where they live is now known as Kampong Melayu. Ligor have been named Nakorn Sitammarat. Ligor is the biggest army camp in Siam with a land area equivalent to Kuala Lumpur. In the absence of Raja Sulaiman and upon recommendation by his adviser Raja Alang Iskandar, his brother, Sultan Yusuf Sharifuddin made his son-in-law, Raja Idris his next in line.

After almost ten years being 'The Head of State,, Sultan Yusuf Sharifuddin (S27) was installed as 'Sultan' on the 11th. May 1887. He immediately made his son-in-law, Raja Idris the 'Regent'. One and half month after the installation, Sultan Yusuf Sharifuddin pass away.

In Ligor they still practice the Palace protocol and they have to give respect to the Sultan, Princes and Princesses. There are still segregation in between the royalties and the commoners in their daily social activities.Sultan Zainal Rashid died and was buried in Ligor but later in the 60th during the premiership of the first Malaysian Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman ibni  Armahum Sultan Abdul Hamid, Sultan Zainal Rashid grave was exhume and his remain was relocted in Alor Star Kedah.

in the absent of Sultan Zainal Rashid, Sultan Abdul Halim Shah was installed the next Sultan of kedah on the 22nd september 1881. Raja Sulaiman finally became a preacher in southern Thailand, especially in Petani.

Raja Sulaiman died and was buried in Ligor. Raja Daud and Tengku Long Jahara return to Kuala Kangsar but was not welcome by the Palace They decided to stay in a remote village along the river bank know as Kampong Menora. Raja Daud never return to Selangor since Selangor Sultanate was squabbling for power.

Raja Daud died and was buried in Kampong Menora at side of the river bank. Tengku Long Jahtera left for Mecca with her elder son. She died and was buried in Mecca while her son return to the Malay Peninsular and stay in Bukit Chandan beside the Palace in Kuala Kangsar.

In 1943 when the Japanese invaded Thailand, Raja Sulaiman daughter-in-law, who is a commoner, take this opportunity to escape by train to the  Malay Peninsular. She brought along with her two daughters, Tengku Halimah and Tengku Zainab who was only 7 and 5 years old. She left behind her youngest three year old son, who was well guarded by the father and relatives.

When I met Raja Sulaiman daughter-in-law for the second time, in the early millennium, she was already in the ninety. She was weak, frilled, sickly and was unable to elaborate very much.

When Malay Peninsular gained independent in 1957, Raja Sulaiman is free to return home. He had refused to do so maybe due security reasons or he has already built a family, had grand children, and Ligor is already his home.

Raja Sulaiman toke the title 'Tengku' instead of 'Raja' since the rest of the Princes from Kedah were adressed as 'Tengku'. He was designated as 'Tengku Sulaiman' or commonly know as 'Ku Man' among his peers. Tengku Putih Aishah prefered to be called Tengku 'Long' Aishah, similar to the surname of her sister. Their children and grand children were named after the names of her sister's children.

Tengku Long Jahara opt for the name Tengku Long Jahtera (from the word 'sejahtera' which mean 'peace'). She left for Mecca with her son Raja Mohamed Nasib. She died in Mecca but her son Raja Mohamed Nasib returned to the Malay Peninsula and live in Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar Perak. Tengku Long Jahtera daughter, Raja Latifah prefered to be called Teah upon her return from Mecca.

In 1934, in Taiping Perak, Raja Abdul Rahman, the son of Raja Sulaiman gave his sons another name, Raja Mohamed Nawi @' Mohamed Aznan', Raja Mohamed Sakawi @ 'Ahmad'.

Raja Haji Abdul Rahman declared in the... 'FORM OF STATUTORY DECLARATION'....'GOVERMENTS OF THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES'...3 day of March 1934.... that his son, Raja Momamed Nawi...'He has two name hence the difference...In future he will known as Mohamed Aznan...'.His new Birth Certificate was issued in Selama Perak, inclusive of the new name ..'.

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